Winter Anticipation

It’s December 19th, which means it’s almost time! You know the anticipation of the big event, right? The SOLSTICE! What? You thought I meant Christmas? The solstice is way more exciting.

This year, at 10:58 am Eastern Time on December 21, the earth will roll on her belly and start a new cycle of lengthening days… until June 21, 2022, that is. Each day we’ll have a little more sunlight, a little more warmth… right up until it gets hot enough for us to complain about the heat.

I wish everyone a happy winter season for all the holidays you celebrate!

(Photo: milkweed seeds leaving the pod. Hopefully, there will be new plants to feed my butterflies next year.)

Published by Donna Black - Author

Writer of magical realism, women's fiction, Wild Things natural history articles/blog, poetry, and more. Author of Risk Tolerance, The Memory Editor, Rain and Wind, Lucid Dreams, I Want to Write, But..., and other novels I hope to have available soon. University of Tennessee grad. Nature girl. Tea drinker. Pet philanthropist. Recovering real estate developer.

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